S1 Solar Fuel 18
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Materials and molecular science for photoelectrochemical fuel productionS2 Light Driven Water Splitting
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Advanced Electrocatalysts
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S3 Fundamental Processes in Semiconductor Nanocrystals
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics
S4 Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Chemistry of Semiconductor Nanocrystals – new materials (0D nanocrystals, 2D materials), new synthesis methods, surface chemistry.
S5 Charge Carrier Dynamics at the Nanoscale
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics
S6 Solution-based Two-dimensional Nanomaterials Sol2D
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Solution-based bottom-up synthesis of 2D nanomaterials (colloidal methods, exfoliation, metal-organic approaches)
S7 Fundamental Aspects of Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Theoretical modeling and computational simulation
S8 Modelling Perovskite Solar Cells from the Microscale to the Macroscale
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Microscopic electronic structure models of perovskite materials
S9 Advanced PV Technologies and Concepts with New Functionalities
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Solar cell architectures based on selective contacts
S10 Scanning Probe Microscopy for Energy Applications
Description of topical focus
List of conference topics Photovoltaics, thermoelectrics, etc. at the nanoscale