Call for symposia

Fundació Scito is a non-profit organization with the capacity to organize and manage conferences. nanoGe is the conference trade mark of Fundació Scito.

NEWE is a yearly event composed of multiple symposia. For organizational reasons, Fundació Scito has established common rules for all the symposia. Please read this carefully before submitting your proposal.

NEWE is a unique series of symposia celebrated in a compact period of 5 days in a single setting. The symposia are medium size and closely related to form an exciting, interdisciplinary event that attracts key players of the respective fields either as organizers, invited speakers or as participants. As always, nanoGe very much takes diversity into account when putting conferences together: from gender to geographical diversity and senior researchers vs. young-and-upcoming ones that will raise fresh ideas to their field. The symposia are celebrated on attractive environment to facilitate a close exchange of views on scientific research and technical ideas and intensive networking.

If you want to propose a symposium that was already celebrated in the past, please contact us previously. Note that organizers must change in successive editions. As an exception, two consecutive editions are allowed for one person in an emerging symposium.

General information

Each symposium will take a maximum of 3 full days, with maximum 6 invited talks per day.


This NEWE20  will be celebrated between 19 and 23 of October 2020 in Barcelona, Spain. Venue will be the Barcelona World Trade Conference Center.

This conference is composed by separate symposia. The exact dates for each symposium within the duration of the conference will be determined in accordance to number of abstracts and invited speakers, as well as past editions and relevance. Fundació Scito will do its best to schedule each symposium in the most convenient dates and will take into consideration any comment or request from the organizers but will not get any compromise a part for organizational reasons. It is possible to suggest coordination of symposia at the level of programming but organizers must note that each symposium must be treated separately.

Registration fees

Registration fee is determined by Fundació Scito and will be common to all symposia. An early bird will be offered until oral deadline. All participants will be required to register through nanoGe website according to the fee available at the moment of registration.

Fees will not be modified unless by cause of some unforeseen event.

Invited Speakers have a reduced fee for full attendance. Invitation to more than one symposium does not waive registration fee.

Funds and sponsors

Each symposium in #NEWE receives an initial budget of 500 Euro that can be assigned to cover invited speakers travel expenses or to improve the quality of each symposium (not honorarium).

In case the Organizers promote directly the participation of industries and sponsors, the 50% of the funding obtained will increase the budget. Other schemes of distribution of sponsor’s income will not be considered.

Send your proposal
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