Gold-Induced Degradation in Perovksite Solar Cells
Michael Graetzel a, Michael Saliba a, Wolfgang Tress a, Konrad Domanski a, Anders Hagfeldt b, Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena b, Nicolas Mine c, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin d
a Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, EMPA LMNS, Dübendorf, 8600, Switzerland
International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics
Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16)
Swansea, United Kingdom, 2016 June 29th - 2025 June 29th
Organizers: James Durrant, Henry Snaith and David Worsley
Poster, Konrad Domanski, 130
Publication date: 28th March 2016

While the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organo-lead halide perovskite-based photovoltaics has rapidly achieved impressive values reaching 21%1,2, this has not been matched by equal developments in long-term durability.3 Here we investigate the stability of state-of-the-art, perovskite devices (FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3) with Spiro-MeOTAD hole transporting layer and an Au back contact reaching PCEs of 20.6%. We systematically investigate the effect of ageing conditions on the stability of the devices. We found that at elevated temperatures (70-75oC) Au migration induces severe and irreversible degradation regardless of the illumination or the load on the device. These are temperatures naturally achieved by a solar cell on a hot, sunny day.4 Consequently, we discuss strategies to tackle this previously unknown problem, which can potentially have severe consequences on the commercial viability of perovskite solar cells. 


1 NREL chart,, Accessed :29.02.2016, 2016

2 D. Bi, W. Tress, M. I. Dar, P. Gao, J. Luo, C. Renevier, K. Schenk, A. Abate, F. Giordano, J. P. Correa Baena, J. D. Decoppet, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Gratzel and A. Hagfeldt, Science Advances, 2016, 2.

3 T. A. Berthe, W. Su, C.-H. Chen, C.-J. Pan, J.-H. Cheng, H.-M. Chen, M.-C. Tsai, L.-Y. Chen, A. A. Dubale, B.-J. Hwang, Energy Environmental Science 2016, 9.

4 C. K. Lo, Y. S. Lim, F. A. Rahman, Renewable Energy, 2015, 81.

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