Proceedings of International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16)
Publication date: 28th March 2016
While the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organo-lead halide perovskite-based photovoltaics has rapidly achieved impressive values reaching 21%1,2, this has not been matched by equal developments in long-term durability.3 Here we investigate the stability of state-of-the-art, perovskite devices (FA0.83MA0.17Pb(I0.83Br0.17)3) with Spiro-MeOTAD hole transporting layer and an Au back contact reaching PCEs of 20.6%. We systematically investigate the effect of ageing conditions on the stability of the devices. We found that at elevated temperatures (70-75oC) Au migration induces severe and irreversible degradation regardless of the illumination or the load on the device. These are temperatures naturally achieved by a solar cell on a hot, sunny day.4 Consequently, we discuss strategies to tackle this previously unknown problem, which can potentially have severe consequences on the commercial viability of perovskite solar cells.
1 NREL chart,, Accessed :29.02.2016, 2016
2 D. Bi, W. Tress, M. I. Dar, P. Gao, J. Luo, C. Renevier, K. Schenk, A. Abate, F. Giordano, J. P. Correa Baena, J. D. Decoppet, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. K. Nazeeruddin, M. Gratzel and A. Hagfeldt, Science Advances, 2016, 2.
3 T. A. Berthe, W. Su, C.-H. Chen, C.-J. Pan, J.-H. Cheng, H.-M. Chen, M.-C. Tsai, L.-Y. Chen, A. A. Dubale, B.-J. Hwang, Energy Environmental Science 2016, 9.
4 C. K. Lo, Y. S. Lim, F. A. Rahman, Renewable Energy, 2015, 81.