You are invited to participate in the conference Materials for Energy Conversion and Optoelectronics, to be held in Havana, Cuba from 11-12 December 2017.
The scope of the conference is multidisciplinary, focusing on novel materials with application in energy conversion and optoelectronics, ranging a wide spectrum of devices from photovoltaics, photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic production of solar fuels, sensing, and (stimulated) light emission. Materials like hybrid perovskites, quantum dots, multinary metal oxides, are at the forefront of research and are firm candidates to promote a breakthrough in these fields. Particular emphasis is given to understand the relationship between the structural properties (crystallinity, electronic structure) of materials and the functional performance of final devices, which is key for fostering novel advances in device performance. Consequently, novel theoretical and characterization tools will have a relevant role in the conference.
- Perosvkites, hybrid solar cells
- Optoelectronic devices, LEDs and Laser
- Solar fuels
- Quantum dots fundamentals and applications
- CO2 reduction
- Photoelectrochemical devices
- Artificial Photosynthesis
- Heterogeneous catalysis
Todd G. Deutsch (National Renewable Energy Laboratory Denver, US)
Thomas W. Hamann (Michigan State University, US)
Victor Klimov (Los Alamos National Laboratory, US)
Joey Luther (National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden, US)
Morgan Stefik (University of South Carolina, US)